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HIPRA University

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Providing veterinarians with updated knowledge and skills

HIPRA University is a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) initiative promoted by HIPRA that involves educational activities in the field of disease prevention, intended for veterinary practitioners working in the area of food animal production.

The HIPRA University project was conceived with the objective of providing updated knowledge and skills in strategic areas of interest for professionals. This is achieved through training courses that share a common image and meet high quality standards as well as by promoting internal expertise and knowledge.


Focused on strategic areas of interest

HIPRA University programmes are focused on strategic areas of interest for professionals, such as IBR, Bovine Mastitis and Poultry Coccidiosis, and can be organised in partnership with international universities or institutions.


HIPRA University courses, certified by the CPD

Accordingly, HIPRA University training programmes are certified by the CPD Certification Service, a leading independent CPD accreditation institution which, besides ensuring their quality, allows professionals to earn obtain CPD hours for attendance.

Therefore, HIPRA University courses are a useful tool for veterinarians to develop and maintain their knowledge and for the value of this to be recognised by redeemable points.

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