The sixth HIPRA UNIVERSITY session on poultry, focusing on and specialising in theoretical and practical aspects of necropsy and infectious bursal disease (IBD), was held on the 3rd of May at the premises of the Institute of Veterinary Research of Tunis (IRTV).
6th Theoretical & Practical School on Necropsy and Sampling for IBD by HIPRA UNIVERSITY

The course brought together different leading professionals specialised in poultry production from Jordan, and it was given by: Professor Abdeljelil Ghram, Head of the Laboratory of Veterinary Epidemiology and Microbiology at the Institute Pasteur in Tunis, Mar Biarnés, Technical Director at CESAC (Centre de Sanitat Avícola de Catalunya i Aragó, Spain), Dr. Dario Zammerini, HIPRA Corporate Group Product Manager for Gumboro, and Hicham Fathi, Hipra Regional Technical and Marketing Manager.

The one-day course included practical and theoretical aspects of necropsy technique in poultry as well as: pathogenesis, epidemiology, control, monitoring, histopathology and diagnostic interpretation of IBD. The course was completed with one practical session on necropsy and one on diagnostic and control strategies against IBD in poultry.

The course is certified by the CPD Certification Service (an independent certifying body) and is part of the HIPRA UNIVERSITY continuing education programme, which offers tailor-made training solutions to veterinarians.