HIPRA participated in the Aquaculture UK 2018 exhibition held on 23rd and 24th May at Aviemore, Scotland. The most important aquaculture exhibition in the British Isles attracted more than 2,394 visitors, 190 exhibitors and 45 speakers.
HIPRA at Aquaculture UK 2018 Exhibition

During the conference, HIPRA met with the most important UK salmon and cleaner fish producers to explore new ways of collaborating.
Indeed, HIPRA is proud to have produced the autogenous vaccine used with the new lumpfish vaccination system developed by Aqualife and SSF, together with SAIC and the Institute of Aquaculture from the University of Stirling (UK), the exciting results of which were presented by Ronnie Soutar during the conference.
By participating in Aquaculture UK 2018, HIPRA has strengthened its commitment to the prevention of fish pathologies.