To announce to the Thai pig market the recent availability of all the products in the SENG range: SUISENG®, RHINISENG® y ERYSENG® PARVO, HIPRA organized a launch event on 9th June last in the prestigious Centara Grand hotel at Central World in Bangkok.
HIPRA arrives in Thailand with the "SENG" range of vaccines

Entitled “The role of prevention in pig production of the future”, the event brought together 70 professionals from the pig sector, to hear and learn about the future of production in Thailand from the expert Kitcha Urairong (Consultant and Associate Professor at Kasetsart University) and in Europe from Alberto Morillo (International Consultant, Tests and Trials, Spain).
An interesting interactive discussion was also set up in which those attending participated directly in the selection of questions to be answered by the two speakers.
After this discussion, Agustí Camprodon (Corporate Brand Manager, HIPRA), Ming Hsun Wu (Regional Technical and Marketing Manager, HIPRA) and Ignacio Bernal (Corporate Product Manager, HIPRA) presented all the "SENG" range, starting for its state-of-the-art adjuvant HIPRAMUNE® G, highlighting its excellent balance between safety and efficacy, and following with the vaccines RHINISENG®, the only vaccine against progressive and non-progressive atrophic rhinitis, SUISENG®, the combined vaccine for the prevention of neonatal diarrhoea and sudden death in breeding sows, and ERYSENG® PARVO, the new and innovative vaccine for protection against the porcine parvovirosis and swine erysipelas, together with the exclusive package of diagnostic and control services associated with those products.
With this launch, HIPRA launched the "SENG" range in Thailand as “The most modern and complete range of vaccines for breeding sows” thereby strengthening its commitment to remain the Reference in Prevention for Animal Health.