In early April, HIPRA organized for the first time an event for professionals of the Iberian swine industry. Entitled "Hablemos del ibérico" ('Let's talk about the Iberian pig'), this event was held at the Parador de Zafra (Extremadura, Spain) and brought together about 100 veterinarians experts in Iberian pigs.
HIPRA organizes the 1st edition of 'Let's talk about the Iberian pig'

During the day, many topics of interest and current affairs for the industry came up, such as the perspectives of the Iberian market inside and outside the Quality Standard, the new tools that HIPRA offers to professionals, the commercialization of the different Iberian products and the future of the industry.
Speakers of the highest level such as Miguel Angel Higuera from ANPROGAPOR, Enrique Tomás from Enrique Tomás SL, Daniel Torrents, José Luis Beltrán and Juan Ramón Pérez de Vargas from the technical team of HIPRA, Pedro José Moreno from COVAP, Pedro Díaz from Chacinerías Díaz, Manuel Ramos from INGAFOOD and José Ignacio Moríñigo from IBERCOM took part in this HIPRA event.

The inauguration was led by Marc Morera (Commercial Director of HIPRA ESPAÑA) who spoke about the support of this company for the Iberian pig industry.

The closure was given by Joan Tarradas (General Director of HIPRA ESPAÑA) who highlighted the interest of the different presentations and the active participation of the guests, thanking both of them for their presence at the event and reiterating HIPRA's interest in offering quality products and services to professionals of this industry, which is so important for our country.