During the month of March, HIPRA organized two HIPRA UNIVERSITY courses, in Peru and Colombia, on the control, management and quality of milk in south American countries.
HIPRA organizes HIPRA UNIVERSITY courses in South America on milk quality

In Colombia, the course was attended by professional experts from the Colanta co-operative, the largest and most important in the country. During the session, Antonio Souto, Regional Technical and Marketing Manager in Latin America, gave two presentations, one entitled “Milk control, a tool for the management of milk quality” and the second on communication strategies on the farm. Dr. Lina González, veterinarian at the University of Caldas and Epidemiologist at the National University, then spoke about the rational use and reduction of antibiotics for mastitis. To end the session, Jorge Granados, Ruminants Technical and Marketing Manager in Colombia, presented the results of experience with STARTVAC® in Colombia.
In Peru, three meetings were held in different parts of the country which were attended by producers, consultants and experts and professionals involved in the country’s dairy industry. At these sessions, Jorge Espinoza, Ruminants Technical and Marketing Manager in Peru, gave advice on how to prevent and control mastitis with a practical control plan based on “1+1=3”. Rafael Ortega, Ruminants Technical and Marketing Manager in Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, gave two presentations: the first on controlling the somatic cell count and the second on the influence of the milking machine on mastitis. He also presented studies from different universities showing the cost effectiveness of vaccinating with STARTVAC®, HIPRA's polyvalent inactivated vaccine against bovine mastitis.
With the organization of these training courses, HIPRA strengthens its commitment to the dairy industry in Latin America, bringing to professionals in the industry key tools for use in their daily activity.