On 15th June last, as part of the XIXth National Ovine Forum, HIPRA gave a presentation on the prevention of subclinical mastitis. Its small ruminants specialist, Miguel Ángel Sanz Franco, spoke about vaccination against staphylococcal biofilm and showed the results of three field trials presented during the ISVC (9th International Veterinary Sheep Congress) held last May in Harrogate (England).
HIPRA participates in the XIXth National Ovine FORUM

The first trial was carried out by Gianniotis, K. in Greece, where cases of clinical mastitis were reduced to zero, the percentage of milk protein increased by 1.9% and milk production increased by 6% following vaccination with VIMCO® (inactivated vaccine against caprine and ovine mastitis).
In addition, a Return on Investment of 5 was calculated in increased production alone, i.e. for each euro invested in vaccination, 5 euros were gained in increased milk production.
The second trial was carried out by the Cabinet Véterinaire Saint Affrique in France and after vaccination with VIMCO®, the percentage of healthy animals (less than 500,000 scc/ml) increased to over 90% and the percentage of animals with over 2,000,000 scc/ml decreased.
Furthermore, the milk quality premiums were covered throughout the year, as the milk tank scc/ml was reduced to below 500,000 scc/ml throughout this period.
Finally, the results were presented from a Manchego sheep farm in the province of Ciudad Real (Spain) where, of a total of almost 500 animals from the June 2016 lambing season, half were vaccinated with VIMCO® and the remainder were left as a control group. The study showed that there was an increase in production of 11.1 litres of milk during lactation, which means a Return on Investment of 3.4 in increased milk production alone.
In addition, it could be seen that the difference in production by animals with fewer than 4 lactations increased to 19.3 litres, an increase of 7.8%, the difference being significant (p<0.05).