On 23 November, HIPRA brought together the main veterinarians in the rabbit industry in the city of Porto (Portugal) to present the new ERAVAC® vaccine.
HIPRA presents ERAVAC®, the new RHDV2 vaccine, in Portugal

Nuno Marques (General Manager of HIPRA Portugal) opened the event with a presentation on HIPRA and its involvement and experience in the production of vaccines for the rabbit industry.
Michelle Woodward (Product Manager for Rabbits) spoke about the emergence of the Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus Type 2 (RHDV2) in various European countries, as well as the pathogenesis, diagnosis and epidemiological status of the virus, showing the monitoring carried out in DIAGNOS. She then presented ERAVAC®, replacing the Cunipravac® RHD Variant vaccine with a new image and name after being the first RHDV2 vaccine to be registered throughout the European Union.
Finally, the event was concluded by Xavier Mora, a veterinarian with expertise in rabbit keeping, with a presentation on practical clinical cases and field experiences with the RHDV2 virus and ERAVAC® vaccine.
With these conferences, HIPRA demonstrates its commitment to RHDV2 prevention and shows its support to the Portuguese rabbit industry.