On June 14, HIPRA brought together Spanish and Portuguese veterinarians specialized in the rabbit sector to take part in the new HIPRA UNIVERSITY course focussing on myxomatosis and its prevention. The event took place at HIPRA headquarters in Amer (Girona).
HIPRA UNIVERSITY “Myxomatosis: the importance of prevention”

The training sessions included theoretical aspects of myxomatosis. Laura Valls (Diagnos, HIPRA) focussed her presentation on the principal technics of diagnosis for the detection of myxomatosis and Massimiliano Baratelli (UCAM, HIPRA) spoke about the principles of immunology applied to this disease.
Michelle Woodward (Product Manager of MIXOHIPRA® H and MIXOHIPRA® FSA vaccines) then presented vaccination as the principal method of prevention, together with the key points for optimum protection and finally Xavier Mora (Veterinarian and Cuniculture Consultant) presented a series of interesting clinical cases involving myxomatosis.
This HIPRA UNIVERSITY course forms part of the continuing education programme for veterinarians specializing in this sector. With this initiative, HIPRA strengthens its commitment to Prevention in Animal Health and the disease of myxomatosis.