Another example of HIPRA’s commitment to training and the future of animal health was the visit on 16th June last by the students of the Masters Degree in Swine Health and Production to the company’s headquarters in Amer. This Masters degree is organized jointly by the University of Lleida, the University of Zaragoza and by the Complutense University of Madrid.
Visit by students of the Masters Degree in Swine Health and Production

The students had the opportunity to visit and find out about how the different R & D facilities, biologicals production and diagnostics centre (DIAGNOS) operate.
They also visited the “SMART VACCINATION showroom”, a place where they were introduced to this innovative concept based on the combination of three interrelated elements: highly innovative vaccines, Hipradermic® vaccination device and HIPRAlink® management software that delivers comprehensive information on the vaccination processes.
HIPRA is the principal sponsor of this Masters degree, which has been providing training for professionals in the national and international swine industry for over 10 years.