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HIPRA events
Professional profiles
Professionals with experience

To continue innovating and growing in new fields, HIPRA also offers vacancies aimed at senior professionals with extensive experience.

We are looking for exceptional people from diverse fields including human health, engineering, veterinary medicine or finance.

HIPRA offers them a place to broaden their skills and knowledge and manage or carry out very important projects.

Professionals amb experiència HIPRA
Young talent

From the very start, HIPRA has believed in young talent.

We are committed to this profile, as we believe that diversity within the team is essential to promote innovation and creativity.

HIPRA offers recent graduates the opportunity to improve their skills and grow surrounded by experienced professionals.

Joves talents HIPRA
Students internships

HIPRA offers opportunities for students looking for internships.

This is an interesting company to experience a first real introduction to the labour market in.

In addition, once students have deepened their knowledge and completed their internships, they often continue their professional career at HIPRA by becoming part of the team and contributing with their talent.

Estudiants en practiques HIPRA