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HIPRA ESPAÑA organizes the 1st seminar on immunization in laying hens


On May 18, HIPRA ESPAÑA organized the first course entirely dedicated to the immunization of laying hens. The event, which took place in Madrid, had a successful participation of more than 30 professionals from the Spanish poultry sector.

Throughout the day, attendees were able to expand and share their knowledge about one of the main concerns of technicians who work daily with laying birds, such as the development of a correct immunity against the main diseases that affect them.

Laying hens immunization seminar

The seminar, given by well-known speakers from the HIPRA ESPAÑA team such as Joan Grau, Isabel Moral and Rocío Sánchez, and from the HIPRA Global team such as Luis Pantoja, Juan Luis Criado and Santiago de Castro, addressed topics of great interest, such as the design of effective vaccination programs, the correct handling and application of vaccines, or how to interpret the serological results to evaluate the correct immunization of the birds. Also, immunization techniques against the main transmissible diseases of laying hens were discussed: respiratory diseases (TRT and Coryza), salmonellosis and coccidiosis, among others.

With this action, HIPRA once again reinforces its commitment to the Spanish poultry sector.

Laying hens immunization seminar