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HIPRA takes one step forward with UNISTRAIN® PRRS in the Philippines


In September 2015 HIPRA launched the new PRRS vaccine in the Philippines. One year later, in September 2016, HIPRA presented the “Smart Vaccination” concept to more than one hundred swine veterinarians in the Marco Polo Hotel, Manila.

The presentation began with the introduction of UNISTRAIN® PRRS, the most complete and versatile vaccine against PRRSV as it can be used in all animal categories (gilts, multiparous sows and piglets) through the two main routes of administration, the intramuscular route and the intradermal route, as well.

UNISTRAIN® PRRS can also be combined with ERYSENG® PARVO (HIPRA’s reproductive vaccine). The vaccine was introduced by Joel Miranda​, Product Manager of UNISTRAIN® PRRS. Joseph Emil Rubico​, Technical & Marketing Manager in the Philippines, then presented some of the successful experiences with UNISTRAIN® PRRS in dealing with heterologous strains under field conditions.

In the second part of the meeting, Jordi Franquesa Solanich​, Marketing Technologist, presented the “Smart vaccination” concept that opens up a new world of benefits that only the Reference in Prevention can offer. Specifically, it is based on the combination of three interconnected elements: UNISTRAIN® PRRS, is the first and only vaccine in the Animal Health Industry that has an RFID chip on its label, which gives total control during the process of vaccination, HIPRADERMIC®, a new needle-free device with wireless connectivity for the intradermal administration of vaccines, and HIPRAlink®, the new app that gives different digital solutions relating to the vaccination process.

Finally, the speakers gave a live demonstration of vaccination with HIPRADERMIC® and live synchronization with HIPRAlink®.

For more information about PRRS and Smart Vaccination: