HIPRA's central facilities in Amer were once again the venue that brought together more than 50 clients from Europe, Africa, and Canada to participate in the HIPRA University on coccidiosis held from April 24th to 27th.
More than 50 professionals gather at HIPRA facilities for a new edition of HIPRA University on Coccidiosis

During the training, which took place in two two-day sessions, the participants were able to increase their knowledge about the biological cycle of coccidiosis, the different lesions caused by this intestinal parasite, how to prevent the disease, and what tools are available to prevent it. In addition, during this HIPRA University, the attendees also learned how to handle vaccines properly to optimize the results obtained after their use.

The course was led by internal trainers who are part of the Global Poultry Team: Joan Molist, Santiago de Castro, Sergio Mesa, Marta Busquet, and Martina Dardi.
With this action, HIPRA reaffirms once again its commitment to animal health and expertise in the prevention of avian coccidiosis.