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家禽球蟲活毒疫苗, 噴霧用口服懸液劑
* This project has received financial support from the CDTI (Spanish Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology).
Get your full poultry vaccination plan encompassing all essential data for avian vaccination.
HIPRA has developed a serial of services englobed under the new GLOBAL HATCHERY HEALTH PROGRAMME (GHHP), the new service for hatcheries that will bring innovation and real-time control of the HEALTH of the hatchery.
HIPRA 智慧型疫苗接種是一種革命性概念,結合了: 標籤 所含 無線射頻識別系統 (RFID) 技術的 智慧型疫苗、確保精確度和效率的 疫苗接種裝置,以及 HIPRAlink Vaccination的新數位解決方案領域 所有這些要素均由 HIPRA 內部開發。
家禽 HIPRA 智慧型疫苗接種由我們的創新型疫苗 GUMBOHATCH®、 EVANT® 和 EVALON® ,醫療器材 Hipraject® 和 Hipraspray®,以及專業獸醫應用程式 HIPRAlink® Vaccination帶頭。
An innovative service based on data analysis that facilitates decision-making in Poultry
HIPRA Stats 是動物生產公司的資料分析服務。
Hipraspray® 是特定的疫苗接種噴霧裝置,可確保準確性、精確度、一致性和可靠性。
Hipraject® 是用於雞隻皮下注射的智慧型疫苗接種裝置
HIPRA 大學為專業人士提供策略領域的高品質訓練計劃
This programme allows you to calculate the optimal dilution of EVANT® & EVALON® for the best coarse spray administration.
This programme allows you to calculate the optimal vaccination date against IBD (infectious bursal disease)
HIPRA 特別開發了幾種線上工具,以支援獸醫和其他動物保健專業人員的日常工作。