From November 26th to 28th, HIPRA CHINA organized an HIPRA University that consisted of a roadshow with 4 of the most relevant clients in the country (Muyuan 3,100,000, CP 360,000, Dekon 330,000 and Giant star 120,000 sows).
HIPRA CHINA organized the HIPRA University “Aspects to consider in the control of the disease caused by Streptococcus suis and Glaesserella parasuis”

Virginia Aragon, researcher at the Animal Health Research Center (IRTA-CReSA), Barcelona-Spain, give the main lecture around the “Aspects to consider in the control of the disease caused by Streptococcus suis and Glaesserella parasuis”.
She impressed the attendees with her profound theoretical knowledge. Salvador Romero, Global Product Manager at HIPRA, gave the customers a whole picture about HIPRASUIS® GLÄSSER vaccination for Glasser disease control.

During the meeting, they also have a chance to discuss with Chinese customers about the advantage of vaccination for bacterial disease control and the disadvantage of antibiotic using.
We strongly believe this roadshow will help our customers better understanding the tendency of bacterial vaccination for disease control and enhance HIPRA’s image as a leader in prevention in the country.