The 10th edition of the International Sheep Veterinary Congress was held in Seville from 6th to 10th March with HIPRA as the only Gold Sponsor, the highest sponsorship category. All the activities and presentations organized by the company as part of the congress represented a clear example of its commitment to the small ruminants sector.
HIPRA strengthens its commitment to prevention in sheep and goats in Seville

Health Centricity: The client and his needs as the basis of our activities
Under the title “Health Centricity”, HIPRA demonstrated its interest in making veterinarians and their needs the focus of their activity, not only through its products, but also the different services that it makes available to them. One of these services is the well-known HIPRA University courses which focussed on 4 topics during this edition of the ISVC:
- Implementation of improvements in nutritional plans, delivered by Juan Manuel Cárdenas.
- Improvement of reproductive efficiency on the farm, given by Kicco Argiolas.
- Mastitis control based on proper inspection of milking machinery and milking routine, with Demetrio Herrera.
- Reduction of the use of antibiotics on farms, presented by Miguel Ángel Sanz and Pablo Núñez.
To complement these courses, and with the aim of providing all the attendees with the opportunity to chat to different speakers and experts, four “Meet the Experts” sessions were organized at the HIPRA stand during the congress coffee breaks. These events brought together HIPRA University speakers Prof. George C. Fthenakis (Greece), expert in mastitis and Tiago Gallina (Brazil), expert in ovine footrot.

HIPRA Symposium: Strategies for prevention from the first day of life for the reduction of antibiotic use.
As part of the official congress programme, HIPRA offered a Symposium on strategies for prevention and for the reduction of antibiotic use for the principal diseases of sheep and goats. The main diseases affecting farms, such as neonatal diarrhoea, the ovine respiratory complex, ovine enzootic abortion or mastitis, inter alia, were described from a practical perspective and by means of a review of the different stages of the animals’ lives. More information on the Symposium can be found here.
With its participation in this congress, HIPRA strengthens is position as a company focussing on prevention and reaffirms its commitment to veterinarians in the small ruminants sector.