From October 14th to the 15th, HIPRA attended the III Symposium of the Portuguese Association of Poultry Science (APCA), the event gathered more than 200 participants from the main Portuguese Poultry companies at the historic Alcobaça Monastery.
HIPRA participates in the III Symposium of the Portuguese Association of Poultry Science (APCA)

The event was organized in different sessions from renowned international experts that offered their expertise in key areas such as: intestinal health, nutrition, emerging and recurrent pathologies and the importance of the One Health approach. The attendees of the conferences also had the opportunity to ask questions and have an enriching discussion with Birger Sviuhs, Marta Lourenço, Andrés Ortiz among others notorious speakers.

The III Symposium of the Portuguese Association of Poultry Science (APCA) was a grand opportunity for Alexandre Domingues, Miguel Carvalho and Filipe Pinto from the HIPRA Poultry Team to connect with a large group of clients to share experiences and insights about the market and the future of the poultry farming industry in Portugal.
With this action, HIPRA reaffirms its commitment to poultry health once again, along with its extensive experience in the poultry sector and its knowledge of market evolution and local trends.