In the current framework, where pig production is struggling with rising prices of raw materials, dealing with european regulations on animal welfare and facing pathologies such as highly virulent strains of PRRS or ASF, and also taking advantage of being at the european swine congress ESPHM in Thessaloniki (Greece), we are organizing our private event under the title "10 tools for thriving in the storm".
HIPRA presents '10 tools for thriving in the storm' under the framework of the european swine congress ESPHM

The event format was structured around two parallel sessions focused on swine health and pig production, delivered by external speakers. In the health sessions, we discussed the reduction of zinc oxide, how to deal with PRRS by analysing the situation in America and Europe, and how to keep farms free from ASF based on examples from countries already affected.
In the pig production sessions, we analysed the importance of cost control and how to implement measures to reduce costs. We also discussed producing pigs in extreme temperatures and how to initiate the process in farms implementing “Precision Livestock Farming (PLF)” techniques.

Furthermore, we were also present at the ESPHM congress with a booth, showcasing a dozen scientific posters, and hosting a conference by Eric Van Esch, Technical Service Manager of HIPRA Benelux. The conference focused on a practical example of PRRS monitoring in a control program in the Netherlands region.
The ESPHM congress is organized by the European College of Porcine Health Management, and this edition brought together approximately 1,200 professionals from the field of porcine animal health. HIPRA, through its participation in events like this, reinforces once again its commitment to the European pig sector and the fight against the most significant challenges in the industry.