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EPISODE #4: Increased control of Salmonella, how to prevent it and new strategies


An increase in the control of Salmonella has recently been identified, both for zoonotic species and for those that are specific to commercial layers in Latin America. So it is for this reason that today we are going to discuss the whys and wherefores of this situation and what we can do to reduce the risk and to improve protection against Salmonella in our birds.

podcast poultry michelle

Santiago de Castro

Responsible for the prevention of Salmonella and Coccidia in long life-cycle birds such as breeders and layers.

He started his professional career working at Aviagen España and continued his development as technical services manager at Solà Domingo.  Currently, he works as a Global Product Manager at HIPRA.





alison poultry podcastAllison Kawaoku

Responsible for the development and implementation of the technical strategy aimed at supporting companies that breed laying hens in South America. He is a veterinary graduate of the University of São Paulo in Brazil

Currently, he works as a Technical Sales Manager at Hendrix Genetics.