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The ones who care, are the ones who matter: The new positioning of HIPRA Ruminants for WBC 2024


HIPRA will participate in the upcoming edition of the WBC to be held in Cancun, focusing on those silent heroes: veterinarians.


"We live in a world where heroism is commonly associated with great acts of courage and sacrifice. But what about those everyday heroes who quietly and diligently care for others?" With this question, HIPRA aims to reclaim the role of the bovine veterinarian in our society and kicks off its participation in the WBC to be held in Cancun from May 20th to 24th, 2024. 

"The ones who care, are the ones who matter" is the company's positioning for its ruminant area, aiming to highlight its commitment and contribution to the community of veterinarians dedicated to bovine livestock.


As a premium sponsor of the congress, HIPRA has collaborated with its scientific committee to offer various keynote sessions led by experts in bovine immunology such as Christopher Chase or Paolo Moroni, among others. 

In addition to these sessions, in the exhibition area, the Spanish biotechnological company will also offer various theoretical-practical workshops open to all those interested in viral disease control, eradication statuses in different regions, or diagnosis of respiratory lesions, to name a few. 

On Wednesday, May 22nd, the HIPRA Symposium will take place in one of the plenary rooms of the Cancun Center, focusing on how to efficiently control major viral diseases. Many veterinarians are expected to visit the booth that the Spanish pharmaceutical company has set up in the exhibition area. 

Two years after the World Buiatrics held in Madrid, Cancun will provide a new opportunity to network and exchange experiences among veterinarians from around the world.