The theoretical course on avian metapneumovirus (aMPV) took place on November 10 in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, in collaboration with the Pir Mehr Ali Shah University of Arid Agriculture. The objective of the training was to improve knowledge about this disease and share diagnostic methods, as well as to design control programs for adequate prevention of the disease.
HIPRA Pakistan celebrates HIPRA UNIVERSITY: Theoretical course on avian metapneumovirus

The session began with an introduction explaining the collaboration between HIPRA and the University by Dr. Arfan Yousaf, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid University. The course had the collaboration of an external speaker, the prestigious Dr. Javed Iqbal who gave a presentation about Swollen Head Syndrome in Pakistan. In addition, the training had the internal participation of Dr. Muhammad Umer (Technnical Service Manager HIPRA Pakistan), Dr. Malik Burhan Yousaf (Business Manager HIPRA Pakistan) and Juan Luis Criado Rius (Global Product Manager).
With this event, HIPRA reaffirms its constant commitment to training in the control and prevention of avian Swollen Head Syndrome by the hand of the best experts.