The theoretical and practical course on Infectious Bursal Disease (IBDV) took place on May 2nd & 3rd in Lahore, Pakistan, in collaboration with the Riphah College of Veterinary Sciences. The objective of the training was to enhance knowledge about this disease, review the diagnostic techniques, and describe different control programs for its adequate prevention.
HIPRA PAKISTAN celebrates a new edition of the HIPRA UNIVERSITY course on Infectious Bursal Disease

The session began with an introduction by Dr. AD Anjum, Head of the Faculty of Veterinary Pathology at RCVETs, explaining the collaboration between HIPRA and the University. The course had the collaboration of an external speaker, the prestigious Dr. Bilal Akram, who gave a presentation about the situation of Infectious Bursal Disease in Pakistan. In addition, the training had the internal participation of Dr. Muhammad Umer (Technical Service Manager, HIPRA Pakistan), Dr. Malik Burhan Yousaf (Business Manager, HIPRA Pakistan), Dr. Ong Shyong Wey (RTMM), and Dr. Michelle Woodward (Global Product Manager).

At the end of the course a practical session allowed participants to identify the differences between bursal lesions caused by different type of vaccines compared to an IBDV infection. Also, they were provided with HIPRA necropsy kits and completed a practical case to conclude the practical training session.

With this event, HIPRA reaffirms its constant commitment to training in the control and prevention of IBDV by the hand of the best experts in the field.