During the third week of April, the first edition of HIPRA UNIVERSITY "Pigs' gut health in Europe 2024" was held. More than 30 veterinarians from different European countries, such as Portugal, Holland, Poland, Denmark, Italy and the United Kingdom attended the two-day meeting, which took place at HIPRA HQ (Amer).
HIPRA celebrates the first edition of the HIPRA University "Pigs' gut health in Europe 2024"

The program focused on the digestive problems of the piglet with a holistic approach that encompassed different relevant topics such as: the preparation of the sow in terms of management, nutrition and immunology; the management of farrowing and encrusting; or the review of different highly important pathologies in the early ages of the piglet, such as recurrent neonatal diarrhea or edema disease.
The event counted on international speakers such as Joan Wennberg and Francesc Molist (Spain) or Henriette Guldberg (Denmark), as well as internal speakers such as David Llopart and Sergi Bruguera, RTMMs from Europe, or Oriol Boix, Global Product Manager.
With this HIPRA University, the company reaffirms its constant commitment to continuing education.